Thank you for supporting HSABR!
If donating via PayPal, please click the "Donate" button below to complete your donation. Your PayPal e-mail receipt is confirmation of your successful transaction, but you will still receive written thanks to use as your proof of a tax-deductible contribution.
If making your donation by check, no further action on this page is needed. Please make checks payable to "HSABR" and mail to Claudia Ross, Treasurer, P.O.B. 77210, Baton Rouge LA 70879 ([email protected]). You will receive a written thanks to use as your proof of a tax-deductible contribution.
If donating via PayPal, please click the "Donate" button below to complete your donation. Your PayPal e-mail receipt is confirmation of your successful transaction, but you will still receive written thanks to use as your proof of a tax-deductible contribution.
If making your donation by check, no further action on this page is needed. Please make checks payable to "HSABR" and mail to Claudia Ross, Treasurer, P.O.B. 77210, Baton Rouge LA 70879 ([email protected]). You will receive a written thanks to use as your proof of a tax-deductible contribution.